






Your most organised kitchen yet

Your most organised kitchen yet
5 min. read

Organisation is not always the easiest thing to achieve in a busy home kitchen. There’s always a drawer that accumulates a little bit of everything -- batteries, bills, pizza menus, dried spaghetti...used birthday candles that have long been forgotten. Whilst we all mean to create a satisfyingly organised recycling system, it always seems to get put off when we do finally get some time at the weekend. We understand.

With this guide, we will give you our favourite tips to use as a great starting point to create an organised kitchen. As well as some exceptional accessories to ensure your new Kvik kitchen not only looks amazing, but works just how you need it to. These can be chosen whilst designing your kitchen, like our cupboard solutions, or added in afterwards when you’ve got a feel for your new kitchen and what would elevate it ー like our cutlery inserts.

Have a little clear out.

Not to sound too Marie Kondo, but do you really need that pasta maker you got for Christmas 6 years ago and have yet to use? If you have a lot of things gathering dust in your kitchen, they’re taking up valuable space. Go through small appliances, utensils, plates, even tackle that spice rack. A mixed spice from 1991 is no longer fit for purpose ー it has to go. Recycle, gift or donate any items you, honestly, no longer use. You should be left with things that you genuinely use, and more importantly like to use, on a regular and semi-regular basis.

Store spices, cookbooks, etc. with a steel shelf

Meet your regulars

After your big clear out, pick out your day-to-day. Your can openers, salad tongs, big pots or toasters. It’s no use having all your handy, regularly-used items stuck on the top shelf. We need them in an easy to grab location for quick weeknight dinners and speedy breakfasts on the go. Christmas crockery or huge serving platters are probably not used as much as say, your favourite chopping board or the garlic press.

White kitchen rawer with a bamboo insert for the kitchen cutlery

Get some order.

Now we get to the fun part. Organise by category, as opposed to location. Take coffee, you’ll want to keep your beans, grinder, brewer, cups and filters in the same area so that your bleary-eyed mornings are easier to handle. Big on baking? Keep your flours, sugars and assorted icings in the same drawer ー making it super easy to see what you’re missing when you’re knocking up that last minute birthday cake.

It’s time to get ruthless.

Remember the drawer? The one in your old kitchen with the batteries and the pasta and broken pens and...everything? It’s been banished. Anything non-kitchen related has no place there! Start as you mean to go on by giving everything that should be in the kitchen its own place, and getting everything that shouldn’t out.

Choose excellent Danish design

Now you’ve chosen your favourite, constantly used cookbooks ー and your favourite pieces you’d like to display, you’ll need a beautifully designed bookshelf or racks to go with them. Our Legno bookshelf and Ferro steel rack are the perfect additions to your fresh, new kitchen. Moody and atmospheric steel or light and dark wood help lift your space and give you the perfect finishing touches.

Practical storage solutions

We have a large selection of matt lacquered bamboo inserts, that not only look beautiful but are super easy to clean too. Use them to separate cutlery and utensils across one or a number of drawers. They come in a range of sizes and compartment styles, so you can find what fits you best. Tall drawers don’t get overlooked either, our bamboo boxes are perfect for getting the most out of that extra depth. Use them for storing cans, pasta, ziploc bags ー or be even more inventive! They too come in a range of sizes and shapes, perfect for whatever is missing in your kitchen.

Decorate your drawers with our bamboo inserts
White kitchen rawer with a bamboo insert for the kitchen cutlery

Discover our organisation solutions

— Orgaline drawer systems.

If bamboo isn’t for you, our Orgaline system is made from metal and plastic, super easy to clean and perfect to adapt to your needs. From spice racks to extra large inserts and even knife racks, these will keep your new kitchen in check.

— Organiq -- the ultimate in sustainability.

These sustainable cutlery inserts for your drawers are a game changer. Completely biodegradable and made from kenaf and hemp fibres, both plants are extremely environmentally friendly and require very little water to grow. In striking black, these have a coarse texture and multiple compartments to keep your drawers in order and add some flavour to your kitchen. And, a small step in making your kitchen as sustainable as we can. Perfect.

— Cabinet solutions.

From pull out cabinets, to carousels and pull down wall cabinets, these systems have all been designed to help you get the most out of your kitchen. In a full range of sizes and depths the carousals can use up space in hard to reach corners of the kitchen, whilst still being accessible ー perfect for lesser used items.

Speak to the experts

We hope you’ve got an idea of some of the of the ways you can get your most organised kitchen yet. If you’d like more help or information, our pros are always here to help you. Book your appointment today.