






Give your bathroom a makeover on a budget

Give your bathroom a makeover on a budget
4 min. read

It will be beautiful. It will have your personal touch. It will be a huge improvement to your existing bathroom – but only if you take the role of the planner. Let us give you a quick guide to planning – and how to make best use of skilled professionals for your bathroom.

So what type of planner are you? A plan is a marriage between inspiration and reality. But both desperately need the other, and you can actually start at either end. There are many ways to plan your bathroom project, you could be an inspirational planner or an ambitious planner, either way of planning your makeover is as good as any. What's important is to have a plan, start with the basics, find a lot of inspiration, which can come from anywhere and above all have fun while you improve your quality of life with your new bathroom.

Inspirational Planner

If you have a talent for interior decoration, then you are probably guided by your vision. You will know the plan once you see it in reality, – and of course you will find a lot inspiration here on these pages – especially for a weekend bathroom makeover. We have a considerable list of bathroom furniture and sinks you can install yourself, and they all come with precise instructions.

Check out our selection of bathroom furniture

Ambitious planner

If you want to go deeper and perhaps challenge the physical limitations of your bathroom, then you need to avoid surprises. Find some inspiration, then consult the pros at your local Kvik store, they'll help you get down to planning and budget.

The main limitations of a bathroom project are the things that are close to impossible to change - walls, floors, plumbing. 
But what is impossible now may be possible later – and since the real goal is realising your dream, you owe it to yourself to talk to the professionals and see what's possible. Here is a link to an overview of what you may and may not alter yourself.

Invest in your plan. If you have a secret dream for a bigger makeover, then invest now in choices that will move you towards your Bathroom 2.0 plan – like when you relocate the plumbing or move that wall.

Try our Bath Designer

Our Kvik Bath Designer is the easy way to order standard-sized bath cabinets to give your bathroom a Danish design makeover. Of course, we still do made-to-measure solutions that fit your bath - just contact your nearest Kvik store if you need a special size for your space. But if you can use standard sizes, give our Kvik Bath Designer a try.


Know your limitations -- but don't let them stop you

No one likes limitations, but in bathrooms there are 3 critical limitations that must be worked into your plan:

  • Building regulations
  • Construction
  • Personal limitations

Click here to get a useful overview of what the building regulations in your area say about what you may alter or install on your own and what requires skilled professionals. Actually certain things you can do yourself, and they can be quite inspiring if you are into DIY – and of course it's vital to know for your planning.

Construction limitations clearly need the advice of an architect or an engineer.

Personal limitations are often the joker. It is easy to overestimate what you can do in your spare time – and at a satisfying aesthetic level.

Develop your inspiration

Scope out smart solutions at your friends’ homes, attend exhibitions, leaf through magazines, get inspired on your next hotel stay or surf Pinterest. Inspiration can be found everywhere. Be on the lookout for an atmosphere, a decoration style or a technical solution that would work for your project. Then bring it to life with help from one of our experienced interior experts at your local Kvik store.

Begin with the basics

Look at your bathroom from wall to wall, floor to ceiling and decide: what cannot be changed? Then think freely about the rest. What stands in the way of your dream? And which parts still have a role to play? We at KVIK have suggestions for everything you would want to change – but the end goal will always be your dream. There may be surprising ways to get there, and some may require less change than you might imagine. A new sink and bathroom furniture, a larger mirror and some great lighting can go a long way. 

Bath Designs

Use your bathroom expert

Your dialogue with your bathroom expert can function as a "reality check" and remind you that you can easily get a cool bathroom without choosing the most expensive and most advanced solutions all around.

Here are just a few of our bathroom designs

See all our bathroom designs